Our Annual Voluntary Giving Fund (AVGF) Campaign officially kicked off at Meet & Greet!
This is our first fundraising campaign of the year, and these funds are essential to the success of our school.
Last year, we successfully raised $106,913.87.
Our campaign goal this year is $110,000.00!
There are 3 different levels of participation, as well as a pledge payment plan that will allow families to be able to support our school by spreading the contribution out on a monthly basis. Click on the links above to select your level of giving.
This is strictly voluntary and is set up so our families can support our school with their monetary donations and contributions. All schools undertake fundraising events, and we are no different. As a nonprofit charter school, fundraising has always been, and will always be, essential for our budget. The Annual Voluntary Giving Fund is in no way connected to admissions to our school, and we will continue to follow the lottery system we have in place for admissions. The Parent Partner Association (PPA) encourages families to participate in the Annual Voluntary Giving Fund, as well as the other fundraising opportunities we offer throughout the year. Without you, we cannot succeed in fulfilling our mission to prepare our students to be “Citizens Improving Society” – to act with intelligence, imagination and above all – character. The PPA is looking forward to another successful school year at Trinity School for Children.